Every year Penang A's plan trips to different destinations. Some of our trips are educational. Some, to help out a charitable cause. Some, just for pure fun, sweat and bonding! This year, Logos Hope made port in Penang. She is a book-fair-vessel that travels around the world, not only selling unique books, but also spreading messages of hope, love and encouragement. We believe such a trip would open the eyes of the kids to the multi-racial nature of Logos' crew, their purposeful-life and enthusiasm. We made a phone call if they would take a school visit and they were more than happy to oblige!
Off we go !
Did I mention that they were excited ?
When we got there we were required to "sign in" to go through customs. It took about 5 minutes to get all the I.C Numbers from the students before we were allowed in. A crew from Logos hope came out to greet us and guide us in.
Walking through the port. Excitement building up !
Boarding time ! All Aboooarrddd!
Anjyu & Adrianna getting a head-start on baby names ;)
A section of books that caught Charis' attention !
We were invited into the theatre for a bit of fun, games, quizzes, and sketches by the Logos Hope crew. We were told how everyone has a role and duty to fulfil on the ship. We learnt that those in charge of cleaning up and washing are called Angels ! Some of the girls were daring enough to volunteer and went up to play the games !
Anjyu was one of the lucky ones !
Packed into the theatre
Something Zuer got for volunteering for the games !
Yuu Lii got one too !
Time to head back to school !